V. Ickevics attorneys specialize in providing legal assistance. The law firm has been successfully practicing since 2006 and consists of experienced professionals who are capable of solving legal problems and protecting the rights of individuals and legal entities in court.
Law firm V. Ickevics - it is a team of qualified lawyers and advocates who provide assistance in resolving court issues of various degrees of severity. Long-term practice of lawyers helps to solve clients' problems in matters related to seizure of property in criminal proceedings, criminal law, civil law, administrative law, as well as in the areas of human rights and extradition.





The office has been operating since 2006 and during this time the knowledge and extensive experience has been gained in the areas of practice of the office


Since the establishment of the office, we have conducted more than 2,000 client cases, including court cases in Latvian courts (including the Constitutional Court), as well as in international courts.


The main goal of our office is to observe and protect the client's interests. Lawyer's ethics and integrity are the foundation of our practice.

Legal assistance

V.Ickevics, Sworn attorneys-at-law provide a wide range of legal assistance to both individuals and companies. When clients apply for legal assistance, legal counselling is provided. Experienced specialists of V.Ickevics Law Office will conduct a detailed analysis and offer the best solution to the problem. You can apply on the following issues:



Criminal defence, victims representation, legal assistance to witnesses...



For Prosecution or Trial. Thorough legal assistance at any stage of the extradition process...



Enforcing the observance of human rights protected by the European Convention...


Administrative proceedings for a variety of issues and disputes...

Our Lawyers


V.Ickevics, Sworn attorneys-at-law  is a team of specialists and professionals providing quality legal services to protect the rights of citizens. The high level of qualification of the lawyers is daily confirmed in practice for 18 years.


Founding Partner, Sworn attorney-at-law

Valērijs has an extensive experience in the Latvian Bar Association, providing legal assistance since 2005. In providing legal assistance, he also uses his previous experience in leading legal positions in credit institutions and insurance, where Valērijs worked for 12 years.

Valērijs became a lawyer with the aim of helping clients, and believes that the preconditions for effective law practice are honesty, professionalism and adherence to high ethical standards for the practice of law.


Assistant to the Atterney-at-law

Has in-depth knowledge of contract law, family law, insurance law and criminal law. He has conducted various legal studies for the needs of the law office in complex cases, where there were uncertainties about the applicable law, jurisdiction, as well as atypical factual circumstances that have not been considered in the courts of the Republic of Latvia.

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Cases of note

Oct 22nd 2020


The Court of First instance has acquitted defendant C, who was charged for alleged “inaction of an official”. More news will be available when the full verdict will be received.

Oct 31st 2020


The Court of First instance dismissed the claim against our client – the insurance company – for recovery of the insurance indemnity. In this case, the insurer had already paid the plaintiff compensation for the material and non-material damage suffered as a result of the accident, but the claimant sought to recover more.

Nov 3rd 2020


In the case of A v. B on breach of power of attorney, the court has ruled that despite the parties to the proceedings at the time when B. acted with funds of A. on the basis of PoA, were in romantic relationship, B. is not released from the obligation to provide a full report to A. on how the money was spent. And upon failure to provide a proof of spending this money in behalf of A., B. shall return these funds back to A.

Dec 4th 2020


In a family law case of X (mother) v. Z (father), the courts have ruled in favor of a child’s opinion in respect of his unwillingness to communicate with the father, despite a contradicting opinion of the Orphan’s court. This case is quite remarkable and proves that the courts start putting the rights of children on top of rights of their parents.